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Mount And Blade Warband Lady Isolla

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  3. Mount And Blade Warband Lady Isolla Of Suno Marriage

As such oh spacebattles what gender shall my character be?MaleFemaleNext up is character back ground while fairly important in the short term in the long term it is more just back ground flavor.First up is picking our characters father's professionNoble, a disgraced noble that amounted to very little in our homeland and such such we have come to Calardia to bring fame and glory to our family name. Father still had time to teach us riding, and how to command others.Merchant, father often took us with him as he traveled town to town selling books, foods and other goods. As we grew older we learned book-keeping, riding, how to command others, and how to buy low and sell high.Warrior, father was a valorous captain of the city watch, the story of his spirited defense of our home city has spread even to these far away lands. Father toughed us up through many long years of training using both a wide range of melee weapons, we also learned how to command and train others.Hunter, father was one of the best hunters in the tri state area even taking down the semi-legendary bunga bunga bear that terrorized locals for so long.

Mount And Blade War Band Cheats

Through his training we learn archery, tracking and spotting our prey, and how to move throughout the country swiftly.Nomad, dad never stayed in one place for very long and had a friend at every small town. We learned how to ride from him.Thief, father stole everything from pretty coins of the priests, to the love of our mother. Some of that love of coin has fallen onto us, father also taught us how to pack our things in the most effective manner so we can 'borrow' ever more things and in the cases where we might be caught he taught us how to run and evade those town guards and their laws.Next, our family manages to land us a job. Our first in factPage, a minor helper to some minor bit of the nobility. Through graceful tact we learned how to persuade others to our way of thinking as well as strike our enemies when the moment was right.Apprentice, hosted by a minor craftsmen we learned much working the billows. Such as the proper measurements for constructing various bits of machinery as well as the time honored practice of selling high and buying low.Assistant, a shop assistant we dodged our master's rage filled drunk nights while minding the shop with his sister during the day. We learned how to effectively pack the most stuff in the smallest bit of space as well as again buying hig and selling low.Urchin, orphaned at a young age we lived on the street living day to day by picking pockets or plying our other meager skills.

Life was harsh but we learned how to spot and secure even the smallest of things.Steppe Child, we lived, breathed and worked on the steppe hunting with our clan and raiding the lands of the sheeple. We learned how to throw stuff good as well as to hit a target while on a horse.Next, we grew into adulthood and another jobSquire/lady in waiting, we apprenticed ourselves to a minor noble and learned much of the art of war.

Including how to command others, hit hard and fast with our sword, and ride swiftly.Troubadour, a wander bard of some repute we once were. We went from inn to tavern singing the song of our peoples. We learned how to persuade others to give us coin, how to command others to flee for their lives when that fire started, and where to find the best mead at half past five.Student, college wasn't just for bored twenty-first century folk even us medieval folk could scavenge enough money to earn a paper degree in a decade or two perhaps. During our long degree seeking we learned how to treat minor wounds, how to set bones, and how to persuade others that no they always had that strange itching in their lower abdominal regions and when that didn't work how to swing a sword, or staff like no ones business.Peddler, Apples for sale, two for a copper a dozen for a silver.


We learned how to move boxes and stuff from one port to another in an effective and fast manner.Smith,.Bang Bang Bang Bang. Stop hammer time, we were once a smith for a minor lord where we learned to buy low and sell high, how to make the perfect sword, that staffs and poles are two different things, and that sometimes its better to give your enemy a manner of retreat lest they fight like she-devils.Poacher, we stole from the rich and gave to. Our selves mostly. Constant dodging of the long arm of the local earl, has lead to us being faster than the average person, as well as being real good at spotting and tracking our prey and finally running it down or running away as needed.Next the reason we left it all behind and traveled to this war torn hellhole erh life of adventure!REVENGE! Some asshole killed our wife/husband and small children, we tracked the asshole to this land and will soon gut his or her sorry ass.

Mount And Blade Warband Honor

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We shall strike like a raging river and leave no stone upturned to find and bring swift and deadly justice to that gutless bastard.Loss, the plague swept like a curse across our village, our wife/husband, children, cat and goldfish goldie lay dead and buried. Yet we stand ever taller for it, the plague never bothered us anyway.Wanderlust, Adventure? Adventure time is here and we shall seize it. We have plotted out our course and soon shall arrive.Forced out, we lost a bet, then another and then yet another and soon enough were kicked out of our home because of it. Hearing that these lands are filled with suckers erh rip pickings here we and our weapon mastering are.Money, Take everything not nailed down then grab a hammer and take the nails too has always been our calling. Click to expand.

Click to shrink.Selections and Openings, part 1With some randomization and color selection here is our protagonist.Miss Freyja is born of a line fabled for its great warriors, her grandfather allegedly slayed the last of the krakens some fifty-two years ago and her father has faithfully served the local Jarl for quite some time. Almost like clockwork every spring her father has helped repel the sea raiders that attempt to pillage the local villages and towns. Freyja herself was raised hearing the tales of her grandfather and father and sent at a young age to become a page and later lady in waiting for the Jarl's eldest daughter. Unfortunately the sea raiders finally had enough of her father's resistance and late last spring they launched the largest and most daring of their raids yet. The raiders slaughtered the local militia and with it Freyja's father.

The raiders proceeded to siege and through some manner of trickery raided deep into the local castle slaughtering many of its inhabitants while taking the lady as well as hostage and probable concubine for their leader. Odd faces and DrunksFreyja and her merry band hand towards the Nord village of Fenada asking around they soon find the village elder.Ignoring the freaky headlessness of the village elder she readily agrees to help train the villagers to repel a bandit attack. After a few days of doing so.Alarms bells ring as the bandits mount a raid against the village yet again. Looking into the east Freyja mouths never again and quickly organizes her trained militia to repel the attack.The fighting is fierce,( and her armor sucks). But the villagers and Freyja emerge victorious if only just.The villagers offer the fews bits of remaining wealth in gratidue for the training and repelling of the bandit attack.Thinking it over Freyja decides that the villagers need their stuff more than she does, earning her even more gratitude and soon enough ten men, (actually 6 before the training and 5 after) volunteer to join her when she asks for honest men to join her in her adventures against the bandits that kidnapped the merchant's brother. After surviving his first true battle Jeremus finds that he has learned abit more of wound treatment and performaing surgeries to save his fellow soldiers.The party next makes their way back to the city.

Freyja having sent a messenger along to inform the merchant that a suitable party has been establish then makes her way back to the local tavern. While waiting for the merchant, yet another drunken fool decides to decry Freyja. Ignoring the fools words does not have the desired effect and soon enough another drunk has been slain by Freyja and another sword and coin purse has been claimed.Freyja finds that the brief duel was rather informative and that somehow she now knows the proper ways to manage drunken fools erh prisoners of battle. Soon after the merchant finally arrives and tells Freyja that the locals have been menaced by a group of robbers the past few weeks and that they surely are part of the same band that kidnapped his brother. Having little in the way of other leads Freyja agrees and sents out to find these robbers.Approximately ten seconds after stepping outside the city gates.Freyja finds the robbers and demands that they tell her where the prisoners are kept. They refuse and a battle is fought.Me thinks they are outnumbered a bit.3 of the robb looters are killed, and the ringleader captured with no casualties on Frejya's side.

Being a no good dirty and very smelly coward the leader quickly gives up his buddies location, their longships are resting near Fearichen no doubt eagerly awaiting the next boat passing by that they can loot. Freyja stops by the boss man to turn in her report and make sure he still wants his no good brother returned. With a promise of a purse of heavy silver Freyja heads out.

On their way the company happens upon the trail of a bunch of no good Nord deserters.The resulting victory is again flawless with a single mangy dog knocked out instead of killed. Having little in the way of heart for a man such as this and hearing of the silver one can earn by selling the prisoners to a broker of ransom or a slave trader.

Mount And Blade Warband Lady Isolla

Unfortunately the king doesn't much care for those that make trouble in his town, even if they are routing out someone that would be more than willing to turn against him. The merchant is given a few short days to pack up and move out and Freyja gets her first real taste of the nobility. Jackasses that need a good bootkicking.Meeting her first Jarl does little to up her opinion.Though the second and third ones at least are willing to give some manner of task much more befitting one of her profession. Tax collection!Also bounty hunting.As collecting taxes from the burnt down remains of a village would be difficult at best, Freyja heads towards the sea and the last known location of her target.The local elder proves to be useless but soon enough the fugitive is found.Yet he does not willingly give himself up and two quick axe chops later he lays dead his life's blood flowing away. The fugtive head is then removed for later bounty claiming and Freyja leaves the village before any of the villagers ask for proof that she is actually a bounty hunter and just not a crazed mad-woman chopping people into pieces like so much lumber. With the completion of her month long mercenary contract with the Nords finally completed.

Freyja finds herself reflecting back on her life of the past few weeks. The Swardians have been all but defeated, five scattered castles are all that remain of this once proud empire.

She has bested at least three counts by the might of her own company and helped chastise a half a dozen more. How she found and lost a number of good friends and companions on the lonely road. Jana the former baker turned desperate fighter who grew into a fine young camp defender before being mercilessly cut down by deserters who attacked their camp at the dead of midday. She has learned much ado about fighting, how to take a hit and even a few tips and tricks on how to properly shoot a bow.

She thinks back.Yes Dhirim was the first to fall. Ever onwards does Freyja drive her company, on her way to another siege she leads her company to another victory of another swardian count. Who manages to elude her clutches in the resulting battle.Tilbaut castle is the next to fall, her defenders driven from the walls as droves of screaming nords push up ladders, ramps and more with only a light number of deaths on the The finally desperate last stand of the defenders achieves and the castle falls.The Marshal has a task for Freyja after such victories he now trusts her with a matter most important, a spy's report is needing a delivery and he finds Freyja is just the women to grab the text this week.

Graciously Freyja agrees to this noble effort and sets off. Freyja sadly does not pay much attention to the marshal's indeed she takes her entire (50+) company with her stays on the road to ease traveling times and even stops by villages to buy some more food. All and all the guards of Uxkhal are well and truly alert when she arrives and even a clever is not enough to throw off all suspicion necessitating a most violent confrontations with the city's guards(she bashes in half a dozen guards brains with her staff).

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Taking good on that promise, the marshal leads his forces to besieging Uxkhal.

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