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Pineal Gland Is A Spiritual Interface


It is a pine cone shaped gland located in the middle of the brain. When we are children it is erect and as we age it shrivels. It helps regulate sleep patterns and secretes melatonin and seratonin. So the question is, why does it shrivel?​This happens as we identify with this world and its belief system based on separation.

We in essence fall asleep into illusion so the pineal becomes inactive. So how does one Awaken and Awaken to what? When a person opens to the Call they are basically choosing to remember their Divine identity and to align with it. When this happens the pineal start to 'resurrect' and the crystals inside it, known as 'brain sand' start to resonate. This is what causes a buzzing in the head.In truth the pineal acts as a Divine radio antenna to pick up Higher or Christ frequencies. When this happens the pituitary gland secrets a hormone known as pituitrin that starts to ethererize the Central Nervous system so it can conduct the Higher energy or frequencies.

This is known as ancient alchemy. The Egyptians understood this very well and used the Great Pyramid of Giza to facilitate the Awakening process.

Pineal Gland Is A Spiritual Interfaces

Energy follows thought so an Initiate has the intent to awaken so when they are initiated during a ceremony in the Kings chamber the energy (koundalini) from the base of the spine is raised or resurrected into the head centers where the mystical inner marriage takes place and the Christ is reborn within or one is born again as Spirit while still in an earth incarnation.So as you can see, the pineal gland is crucial to spiritual awakening. In the Vatican complex they have the Courtyard of the Pinecone which symbolizes this. The pineal is what allows for Divine communication once it is resurrected.​A person is then is communication and alignment with their Higher Self. Prayer and meditation help to stimulate the pineal and certainly visualization. A bad diet and focus on only earthly pursuits will keep the pineal shriveled and dormant. Christ mind or Oneness consciousness awakens it. This is what Jesus meant when he said know one goes to Heaven but through me. What he meant was aligning with your True or Christed Self in which Jesus exemplified and showed us how to do.

In closing, the pineal is the g ateway to Eternal Life. Kevin Fitzgerald is the author of the books The Contract and A Dialogue with Jesus.

Both books inform and educate the reader about Divine alignment and empowerment. Kevin has transformed through what he refers to as Divine Initiation which is the emptying out of disempowering human beliefs to create space within for Divine empowerment.

He has built multi-million dollars businesses and has lost it all only to rebuild again. In the process he has learned the art of “non attachment”, the meaning of Unconditional Love and Heart empowerment. Articles written by Kevin Fitzgerald were published on Awakening People with his explicit written permission.

Pineal Gland Is A Spiritual Interface Test


Cultures throughout history have spoken of a gland in the center of the brain capable of receiving wisdom and knowledge nonlocally; that is, from a place other than the local environment via the five senses. Shaped like a pinecone, the (from the Latin pinea, which means “pinecone”) is a diminutive gland that packs a powerful punch in terms of its impact on physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Though it is commonly referred to within the context of the brain, it is not technically a part of the brain. Whereas the brain itself is protected by the blood-brain barrier, the pineal gland is not. And in fact, second only to the kidneys, the pineal region receives more blood flow than any other part of the body.In their article, authors David Bay and Rebecca Sexton point out numerous homages to the pineal region found in sacred art and architecture.

For example, a pinecone can be found:. On the thumb of a bronze sculpture of a hand originating from the mystery cult of Dionysus in the late roman Empire. In the hand of a Mexican god sculpture. In Vatican Square, known as the Court of the Pinecone. In numerous examples of candle holders, ornaments and architectural designs within the Roman Catholic tradition. In the myth of the Roman god of drunkenness, Bacchus, in the form of his pinecone staff. The Pineal Gland as the Third EyeIn his article for the Experimental Eye Research science journal, A.

PinealPineal gland in the bible

Weichmann writes:“It is apparent that several relationships exist between the pineal gland and the retina. The similarities in development and morphology have been obvious for many years. A recent resurgence of interest in the field has led to a further understanding of many functional similarities between these two organs. Although the mammalian pineal gland is considered to be only indirectly photosensitive, the presence of proteins in the pineal which are normally involved in the phototransduction in the retina, raises the possibility that direct photic events may occur in the mammalian pineal gland. This possibility awaits further study.”. Weichmann's hypothesis states that pineal gland cells may modulate light signals in the brain by both receiving and sending them via the process of phototransduction.PiezoluminescenceS.

Baconnier et al, in the Bioelectromagnetics journal, wrote about their discovery of the existence of 100 to 300 microcrystals per cubic millimeter in each of 20 different human pineal glands thoroughly examined by the team. These crystals have been found to have piezoelectric properties, meaning they expand and contract when in the presence of electromagnetic fields. This is a significant find in light of the fact that the brain is known to produce an electromagnetic field. And we know that radio stations can be picked by piezoelectric crystals without the use of electricity. So the notion that the pineal gland could play a role in the nonlocal reception of information is not so far-fetched after all.