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Schem,atics Study Guide Pdf


Discounts for Ham Radio Instructors!Ham radio instructors can order the print version of the No-Nonsense Technician Class License Study Guide and the No-Nonsense General Class License Study Guide for only $10/copy. That’s 33% off the list price. Directly to order. The No-Nonsense Technician-Class License Study Guide (for tests given between July 2018 and June 2022)The No Nonsense Technician Class License Study Guide really is one of the easiest ways to get your Technician Class license. This is the latest version for tests given between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2022. NEW! If you like to study using flash cards, you’ll love these.

These are electronic flash cards that use the Anki flash card app to help you learn and retain the material.NEW! The No-Nonsense General-Class License Study Guide (for tests given between July 2019 and June 2023)Updated to cover the 2019 question pool, the No Nonsense General Class License Study Guide really is one of the easiest ways to upgrade to General. If you like to study using flash cards, you’ll love these.

These are electronic flash cards that use the Anki flash card app to help you learn and retain the material.The No-Nonsense General-Class License Study Guide (for tests given between July 2015 and June 2019)This version will be obsolete on June 30, 2019, but if you buy it now and don’t pass the test by then, I’ll send you an updated version free of charge.The General Class question pool is being updated on July 1, 2019. If you purchase this study guide and don’t pass the test by then, I’ll send you a copy of the updated version for free!To see sample sections of this study guide,. The No-Nonsense Extra Class License Study Guide (for tests given between July 2016 and June 2020)This is the study guide you want if you want to pass the Extra Class exam. I get e-mails every week from folks who’ve used my study guide to get their licenses. It can help you, too. It’s finally available in a, too!.To see sample sections of the 2016 Extra Class study guide,. How I got started in the study guide businessIn 2005, I was cooling my heels at the public-information table at our club’s Field Day site, when up walked Bruce, W8BBS.

In his hand, he had a copy of his Tech license exam study guide. What he had done was take each question in the question pool, reworded them as statements, and then reorganized them into paragraphs, adding text where appropriate to tie it all together and help it read more like a book.We talked about how several folks had successfully used the study guide to get their licenses and how much they seemed to like his approach. Then, we talked about how he might get the word out so that more people could use his study guide. After quickly paging through the study guide, I volunteered to post it on our club’s website.In 2006, Bruce was unable to update his study guide, so he gave me permission to to do it.

That version was the first issue of the No-Nonsense, Technician-Class Study Guide. In 2007, I produced the first No-Nonsense General Class Study Guide. In 2012, after much coaxing, I came out with the No-Nonsense Extra Class License Study Guide. All three study guides have been updated as time has gone on and are current with the latest question pools.In additions, all three of these study guides are now available as PDF files, Kindle files, and ePub files.

I planned to also produce iPhone and iPad versions, but I can’t seem to get Apple to straighten out my iTunes developer account.:( You can certainly purchase the Kindle version, though, and read it on the iPhone or iPad with the Kindle app.I can honestly say that I have helped thousands of people get their amateur radio licenses. If you are one of them, thanks for downloading or purchasing one of my study guides. Dan,As promised, last week I handed out your Tech Study Guide to the 20 students in my Amateur Radio elective class. I am taking the class in a self-study direction with “overview” by me.

With quizzes to keep them honest, I hope to cover the basics pretty quickly, thus allowing the students plenty of time to get into hands-on electronics.I will be using “100-in-1” Science kits to allow the students to build basic circuits and discover how components work. Afterward, we will hopefully move toward breadboarding circuits. We’ll see how far we getAs for learning electronic theory, I found that the visuals and info. From the “Electronics” section at seem to be pretty good.I will also be using your General Study Guide, so I’ll let you know if I find any typos or portions in either of the Guides that seem to confuse teenagers. Again, thanks for taking the time to produce materials for the next generation.By the way, I’m passing out Morse Code CDs tomorrow. Some of the kids are psyched to learn Code.

Maybe we can arrange a “final” with my students having to work you using CW and obtain some information (e.g. Favorite color, name of pet, etc.).73 from Austin, Texas.Ronny, KC5EES. Thanks for your comments, Shawn.

Unfortunately, I don’t think there will be a No Nonsense Guide for the Extra Class license examination. There are just too many questions, and I just don’t have enough time to devote to it. The only way it might be possible is if I could enlist the help of some other folks to write some of the sections. Then, i could edit them and put it all together.Hmmmmmm. The more I think about this, the more I like the idea. Anyone want to volunteer??btw, I checked out your your picture on QRZ.Com.

What a great looking station! DanI would like your permission to use your “The No-Nonsense, Technician Class License study Guide” for an upcoming class this November.

It looks great, just what I was looking for. I’m not sure how many people we will be having but if I could print about 10 copies at my office that would be great.The PDF file says to get permission and the WEB page says to just print and use it, just don’t want to step on any toes.I used to use the Now Your Talking book with the teaching manual, it was ok after I rewrote a good piece of the teaching manual to speed things up. I have not taught a class in 2 years and my stuff does not match there new book, so now would be a great time to change.Thanks again, this will save me a ton time.n0mdfJay Jagerson7620 158th Ave NWRamsey, Mn 55303. Hi Dan,We recently held a One-Day Tech Class and gave each of the students a copy of your manual.

This was our first “experiment” with this format.Had about 15 students signed up for the course, and sent them your manual. Several mentioned they weren’t ready and a few others didn’t show, but we ended up with 7 people at the “review” session. We went over a few of the chapters, when the students “revolted”! They wanted to skip the review and go straight to the test! So, we obliged and gave them their exams and 6 of them passed on the first try – one aced it and none of the others missed more than 2 or 3 questions!

One took another shot, and missed 4 his second go, so he passed as well!They stayed around after testing, and we had a great “Question and Answer” session with them!I had my doubts how well they’d be able to do with just that simple Tech Guide, but they erased those doubts after seeing them do as well as they did! Some of them expressed interest in getting their General license, so we provided them with that manual.I’ve got 10 people or so lined up (and may pick up a few others at a CERT class this week) to go through the process again in January! We’ll probably skip the review, and go straight to the testing and do another “Q & A” session after the testing.Thanks for putting this together and offering it up for folks to use.Ron, WD4AHZ. I just used the General Class Study Guide (couldn’t get the ARRL Manual in time) to study for my General Exam. Prior to this, I had tried studying by taking the eham.net practice tests, and while they helped, when I went and took the test, I failed (22/35) when I went for the exam. What happened is I was memorizing the WRONG answers I kept on selecting when I took the test, lol. Well, I printed out KB6NU’s General Class No-Nonsense Study Guide at the recommendation of a fellow JSARS club member (who passed his exam the month before with 31/35) and re-took the test.

I passed confidently with 32/35 (91.7%)! Thanks Dan, and we now have the two guides borrowed (the ones we printed) to two more members who took the test the same day I did and failed, I’ll update later with their results. Me and John (who recommended the booklet to me) are confident they’ll pass easily.Thanks for the study guide, and the only comment/criticism we have is WHEN WILL THERE BE AN EXTRA GUIDE?Thanks again, and 73’s de KC2UFP! Dan, I haven’t taken the exams yet but ty for the study guide!!! As a computer tech I have a couple suggestions you might take or leave as suits you.

First I didn’t find your site and guides when googling at all, it wasn’t until I posted on a newsgroup that a ham referred me to this page. You might consider looking into search engine optimization so more people can find this information.Also, you might consider converting these guides into wiki’s. I’m not sure off hand what they use for the wikibooks project but you could load it onto your webserver or just publish them as wikibooks.

This way people can make corrections (I’ve noticed a number of minor errors like missing ‘it’ ‘a’ and other connector words that spellcheck doesn’t catch) and even expand on the information. You could even start a wikibook for the extra class guide, start an outline and just work on it bit by bit as you get a chance and let others fill in as well.

Maybe put the extra questions the sections of the outline need to answer under the section so people know what information HAS to be there.With a wiki anyone can edit it as easily as they can post right here but there is a history of revisions so you can always selectively revert back anything that isn’t correct or if some mean spirited vandal comes along. Wikibooks have the advantage of being indexable by google (so you get search credit for all that content) or if you go with the wikibooks project you just credit your own site in the books and you’ll get a serious pagerank boost from being linked by wikipedia! Last but not least they can be printed.Anyway thanks for the guides, much appreciated! Thanks for the comments. What terms were you using to search for the study guides? I just Googled “tech class study guide” and “amateur radio tech study guide.” I ranked #5 for the first term, #1 for the second term.As for the wiki, I don’t think that I’ll be doing that.

The biggest reason for that is that it would be yet another website to maintain, and I just don’t have the time to do that. If you could e-mail me or print out and snail mail me the errors you found, I would be happy to make the corrections to the PDF.Thanks, Dan. The St Louis and Suburban (SLSCR) radio club held another weekend Cram Course review session that finished on Sunday. For the first time we had an Extra class course. Both participants in the Extra Class course passed, one with a perfect score!The extra class was in four sessions, not three like we usually have for Tech and General, because of the larger question pool.

We also asked that the participants bring TWO results of on-line test that they had to have at least a 60% to take the course.The Tech and General Study Guide have been a great help to several of our new licensees as the other training material from other sources just did not make sense to them. Your help them pass with flying colors.Now for a question, when are you going to have an Extra Study Guide? Hi Dan-You don’t know me.

But I just took my tech license test this morning — after reading your study guide only once. Yes, my father was a novice licensee 20 years ago and I’ve got some training in computer network engineering but other than that I haven’t seen this material in a LONG time. In fact, before finding your guide, I ordered a tech license manual/CD course just a few days ago. I haven’t received it yet. After doing more research and finding out it was only $15 to take the test, I just decided to go that the test as a “control” fully intending to fail and need to go study. Like, really study, not just read a study guide once.To my surprise, I passed the test this morning. I guess I remembered more than I thought.

Ohhh and because I read your study guide.Thank you.-Phil Pavarini, Jr. Starting a new school year and have an Amateur Radio elective class in Fall/Spring. Have been using your Tech/General Study Guides for several years now. Thanks for updating the Tech Guide. Your work is being used all over the nation. I heard this summer that “After it is all said and done, there is usually more said than done,” but you have actually taken the initiative to produce something meaningful.

I certainly appreciate your work. And, my students benefit, too. Just wanted you to know that your time/effort is valued.73,Ronny, KC5EESTrustee, LBJ High School ARC, K5LBJAustin, TXP.S.

My school club is on the cover of the September edition of “Monitoring Times.”. I wanted you to know that I took my Technician Class test last month and passed with a score of 100%. I was floored. Your No Nonsense Guide is the only Study Material that I used. I read it through 2 days before the test and then again the night before the test.

I walked in to the EXAM nervous but comfortable. I was first done with the test, walked outside and awaited the results. The Examiner came out and asked how I’d felt I had done.

I said “I’m fairly sure I passed”. He said “Passed?, you got 100%”. What a great feeling.

The best score after mine was 3 wrong. I completely attribute this to your Study Guide. If you want to pass the Technician Exam, use the No Nonsense Study Guide. It is now 30 days later and Im reading the General Guide and taking the test this Saturday. Will report backI have wanted to have a HAM license since I was a teenager. What long wait, but I got it!!Thanks so very much for your effort in putting this guide togther and keeping this current for us.Ron73 DE KB3VEW. I used the tech guide way back in 2008 and passed after reading it once.

Then in February this year I passed the General with missing 1 question (really I knew the answer and simply chose wrong). Now that I have a TS-140s rig and SignaLink with HRD I NEED MORE BAND lol Now ill be using the hamradiouniversity.com resource and I have no question that your guide will lead me well. In all seriousness I think you deserve “Amateur of the year” for these guides, I wish there was a way to track who passed using your guides and mark the hams on a map, I bet it would get pretty full, very fast. Again thanks a lot, you are a true credit to amateur radio. Ill be at Dayton this year ( I do live here lol) and would love to shake your hand sir.

You have provided so much to so many people. Dan, I just wanted to say thanks for your wonderful study guide. A read through the guide (just once) was enough to put the questions into perspective so that I understood the questions relating to FCC rules and best practices. (I had a leg up on the electronics portion, but that too was well-written and concise!)I just took my element 2 exam last night and passed it with flying colors. Even better: I understood the answers, I was giving, largely due to the format of your study guide and how easy it was to look up additional details.I’ve started reading your general guide in preparation of element 3.

I hope to be able to kick a few bucks your way in the near future—IMO you’ve earned them!73, and thanks! Greetings, hope all is well.I just passed my technician licensing test missing only one question!

What a great study guide! I will be using your general study guide to pass the general licensing test this October. I look forward to the day when I can print off the free version of the extra study guide. I hope you are able to use the donation that I just sent you. I look forward to sending you a donation with each test I pass.I’m down here in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

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I’ve been down here for the last 5 years after the Michigan economy tanked. Born, raised, and spent my first 36 years in Michigan (Portage/Kalamazoo, Coloma, Brethren, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, South Haven, Marshall). After getting a 15% pay cut up in Grand Rapids, I got lucky and found a great job, with the federal government, down here in Arkansas.

I am happy to say that I am now making more money than I ever have and am working a job that I sincerely enjoy. I do not miss the challenges presented by Michigan winters, especially the snow. I hope to talk with you on the air some day. Thinking of you down in Arkansas. Thank you, sincerely, Scott Johnson.

Hi Dan,I just wanted to give you an update on how the students I have been using the Technician Study Guide with.So far I have given out 12 copies of the sutdyt guide. Yesterday two of the women went and took the Technician exam, and both passed! They are so excited! One of them asked me for the General Class study guide, which I just emailed to her (your latest version, of course).I have a group of young men that have asked me to help teach them so they can take their exam. I am planning on using your study guide with them and then try to do some demonstrations to augment their studying.BTW, one of the other women brought to my attention that there is one question from the Technician Pool missing from the study guide. It is T1D07.I will let you know as more of them take their exams. Thanks for making this available.73,Mike.

I am confused as to if there is a charge for the study guide? I made a copy of the Technician study guide and then read it can not be reproduced without permission. I would like to share it with other members of my class. I will gladly pay for the study guide. I am taking a Technician class on Ham Radio, and at 68 years of ages I can’t remember everything that is taught at the class. I need an understandable instruction Manual to help remember. Your study guide is understandable.

Thank you.I would really like to take the General, but thought I’d better start at the beginning. My father in law was a “Ham” from the very beginning of Amateur Radio and was good at Morse Code. He became a “silent key” in 2005 at the age of 97 and after his death, his grandson became addicted to Ham Radio and is now an active member of the local chapter. It’s a good family addiction.Thanks so much. I’m getting ready to offer a no cost class for friends who are interested in getting their technician license so that in case of an emergency they are able to make use of a ham radio.I noticed the use restrictions shown below. Would it be ok if I used your publication for this class?

Thanks very much!Copyright © 2010 Daniel M. RomanchikAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the autho. Dear Jeff:I was looking over your website and found a broken (invalid) link; I’ve included it in the body of this message. It’s a simple mistake, the link’s second period, just before “com” is a comma, which will prevent anyone clicking on it from successful access. So the comma needs to be replaced with a period.

Study Guide Tu Delft

I’ve underlined the link. Great site, by the way!73’s, FranzRonnySeptember 9, 2007 at 10:46 pmDan,As promised, last week I handed out your Tech Study Guide to the 20 students in my Amateur Radio elective class. I am taking the class in a self-study direction with “overview” by me. With quizzes to keep them honest, I hope to cover the basics pretty quickly, thus allowing the students plenty of time to get into hands-on electronics.I will be using “100-in-1? Science kits to allow the students to build basic circuits and discover how components work.

Afterward, we will hopefully move toward breadboarding circuits. We’ll see how far we getAs for learning electronic theory, I found that the visuals and info. From the “Electronics” section at seem to be pretty good.I will also be using your General Study Guide, so I’ll let you know if I find any typos or portions in either of the Guides that seem to confuse teenagers.

Again, thanks for taking the time to produce materials for the next generation.By the way, I’m passing out Morse Code CDs tomorrow. Some of the kids are psyched to learn Code. Maybe we can arrange a “final” with my students having to work you using CW and obtain some information (e.g. Favorite color, name of pet, etc.).73 from Austin, Texas.Ronny, KC5EES. Dan,Thank you for your study guide. I was granted my Tech License back in Feb of 2010 and was able to pass largely due to your well-written and understandable guide. Now I have the burning desire to earn my General ticket, and I know I will be able to do so with the assistance of your study guide.

I also agree with another poster that it would be nice to see who all you have helped in the country and have a digital map with all of our virtual pins in the map from our home areas.I am not computer savvy enough to make the map, but I will let you know that you helped me out here in Molalla, Oregon.Thanks again hope to be writing soon with a general upgrade.73JohnKF7HPW. Hey, thanks for the fantastic guide. I went to take my Tech exam two weeks ago and when I showed up they said they’d really like some more Generals in the area so they can have more VEs to help test the techs.

One of them handed me a printed copy of your General guide, and right after taking the Tech I went ahead and took the general as well and passed. I’m not even particularly good at memorizing things. But your guide was so well written and presented the information in such a “learnable” way that it made that possible, and is a good ongoing reference as well. Again, Many Thanks to you! Your Study guide is amazing. I took a class here in Medford, Oregon with 17 others. We used the current ARRL manuel to study.

Myself and several others in the class were totally new to electronics etc. We were pretty discouraged with the layout of the manuel, the question layout etc., and the tremendous amount of information to absorb. I ran across your Study Guide last week. I wish I could have had it from the beginning.

It would have been so much easier to learn from the way you grouped everything together so that one could see it all at once rather than jumping back and forth and all over the place.We tested today and all but two in our class passed. I missed 5, but I know I could have aced it if I had your plan from the beginning. To bad your guide is not the official one and more people could be helped by it. I only have one recommendation of something to add to it. That would be the two circles from the other manuel showing an easy way to remember the Ohm’s formula. Thanks for all of your hard work and time it must have taken you to put your study guide together. It was a constant torment trying to use the other one.

I wasted many hours with the jumping around and forgetting what I just read because of all the jumping around.Thanks againCaryn. Thanks so much for these guides! They were very helpful to me after I read through the ARRL Tech Study Guide. I probably read it for 2 weeks off and on to get familiar with the concepts and info, and then for another 2 weeks or so I read your Tech guide. I passed the test and got 33 out of 35 right this past Saturday.I went ahead and took the General exam in the same sitting and ALMOST passed it – I missed 2 questions too many, but I had read your General exam guide for about an hour on the Friday night before the Saturday test just in case I got ambitious.

You almost got me through to General this past Saturday, so thanks for your work! I plan on using your notes in a month to actually secure the General exam.I do appreciate it very much,Barry – newly appointed KK4RXNJeremiah 29:11-13 / John 3:16. I’m not a ham. I want to be a ham. I hope you’ll all forgive my newbie question (I’m already imagining the people who will read this and cringe).I have a long remote winter ahead of me, I don’t live near any ham clubs and I don’t know any local hams. There are no nearby classes and there are no testing sessions within five hours of me.

I tend to pick at least one big project each winter where I can put my focus and end the winter with an achievement. And so I would like to study to take all three tests at once next spring. Please don’t advise against this; it is a big goal to pursue, I know, and perhaps not advised by some, but I really just want the answer to my question: Is there ONE book that will prep me to take all three tests? (for instance, if I buy The ARRL Extra Class License Manual Book with CD-ROM (10th Ed, which was just published last year and appears to be the newest of all the books), will this cover the Technician and General as well?). Passing all three tests at one sitting will be a challenge, but people have done it, so I won’t try to dissuade you from going for it.

Unfortunately, though, there is no single book that will prepare you to take all of the tests. Having said that, though, my Tech and General class study guides are free downloads. You could get those, then purchase one of the Extra Class study guides (not necessarily mine).It sounds like you have plenty of time, so you could supplement the study guides by surfing the Web for more information on particular topics. And, I’ll extend to you, the offer I make anyone who downloads my study guides. If you need help with any of the topics, e-mail me, and I’ll try to walk you through it. Dan,About two weeks I commented on the “No Nonsense” Extra study guide. I stated then that “by the end of the summer” I would have my Amateur Extra license.

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Well, through some diligent study aided by the study guide, this morning I became Houston’s newest Amateur Extra. It is a dream come true.

I became a ham in 1959 at age 13. I always wanted to obtain the “extra” ticket and now I say, “Thanks to YOU.I have attained it”. It has always been a “bucket list” for me also, so now I will have to find two more items for my list. I try to add two for every one; that way my list will never deplete and I will be around forever. I am so happy that I stumbled across your book.

Hey Dan, I just wanted to thank you for all your diligent effort in putting together the No-Nonsense Study Guides. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting my license for years, but I never really started studying in earnest. After finding out that an organization near me is holding tests in August, I began preparing using your guides.

I was passing Technician practice exams at over 90% after one day with the guide, and I’m now passing General practice exams at the same rate after about a week of studying the material. I plan to purchase the Extra-class guide in the next few days, and my goal is to complete the three-license trifecta in one testing session.:)Thanks for all the hard work you put into these guides. The format is very easy to use, and I’m enjoying the process of learning. Much appreciation. Just wondering if these study guides are or partially irrelevant as the information provided is us based and i live in victoria australia which is designated as vk3.ka kb kc are us allocated right?,i’m very interested in getting technician class licence & just wanted to make sure.i spent a lot of time on the 27 mhz cb band years ago & was inspired to one day to do the courses & qualify.any advice you or anyone else could offer would be greatly appreciated.with thanks,neil crompton (melbourne australia). Less than a week ago I learned that as the former holder of an Amateur Extra class license that had expired, all I need do was pass the Technician class test and I’d receive credit for Elements 3 and 4. I found the Kindle version of your No Nonsense Technician Class Study Guide on Amazon.

Thanks to your study guide and the sample tests available on the internet, I took the exam on Saturday (12/19/15), passed and today received my Amateur Extra class license and call sign. Real happy to be back in ham radio as KW4PI. Thank you for all your work on the Technician Study guide. It was my husbands idea to get Ham radio licenses and As usual, he asked if I would study and test too. After 48 years of being together, I usually go along with whatever he is interested in because he is kind hearted enough to go along with mine wackiness!Our daughter took the Ham exams many years ago and passed so I had a little exposure to what it was and how it worked but I felt overwhelmed with using a manual. I was so happy to find your online guide which cuts out the extras and focuses on the exam questions!

Thanks to you I passed the exam with only 4 wrong answers! Unfortunately I failed the General exam since I had not even thought I would pass the Tecnicians but I am surely going to be ordering your General guides!along with his interests.

Dan KB6NUThank you for assembling and publishing these No-Nonsense guides, they have been remarkably effective study guides. As an engineer I’d re-capped a couple of ancient AM receivers, and read ‘Elements of Radio’ over the years, but that was about the extent of my radio experience prior to Feb 2018. I’d known some students in the college ham club, but had never done anything with ham radio and had never transmitted anything.On March 18th, 2018 at the Winterfest Hamfest in Annandale VA after less than two months of study using your No-Nonsense guides, Google, and no other resources, I passed my Technician and General class all at once on the first try. You’ve built a heck of a guide. Just a little help please.

My adopted son (10 years old at the time) and I (65 years old at the time) visited a Ham festival in Jackson, MS just before my retirement and moving to St. Lucia in the Caribbean. At that show my son was asked if he wanted to get his license that day. How is that possible? I also am trying to get another license here (old call was J6LKP issued in 1980. They have lost that information of that call, even changed calls with J66now. Working 4 yrs on that.

So how was the hamfest able to get youngsters a license in a short, non study time for my son.? Dan,Years ago I became interested in ham radio and got the arrl tech manual. Misrable failure. I couldn’t understand any of it which became frustrating seeing as how there are 8 year old hams. I abandoned the idea for a while.

I then came across your study guide which allowed me to comprehend the material. I took the tech test in early 2018 and got my call on my 15th birthday. Next thing I know I have my general and I’m gonna shoot for extra before the end of the year. Thank you for your amazing, easy to comprehend guides!-K2DHW. For the benefit of those who may be contemplating using Dan’s study guides, consider this: A year ago I knew very little about amateur radio, and little more than 12 months ago I took a one day Technician certification class KB8NU taught at the University of Michigan one Saturday.

After the class the exam was held and I passed the first time. In January I started taking a General license class he was teaching, but due to schedules and illness I was not able to continue the weekly classes. I did continue to use the General License exam study guide, and last weekend I took and passed the General License exam. I am starting studying for the Amateur Extra exam now, and I will be using KB6NU’s study guide this time as well. I consider my success due in large part to the quality of Dan’s teaching and his ability to explain fairly complicated technical information in a way that people unfamiliar with it can comprehend it.

I can’t say it any better than that. I consider myself very fortunate to have had Dan as a teacher.

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2 Punctuation tests. 2 Restatement tests. 12 X-Ray drills & 1 Study guidePreparation Manual for the TSA Written Skills assessmentThis is a free manual designed to help you prepare for the.

The manual includes some free practice questions with explanations. The sample questions mimic those on the actual test. What we like about this free PDF is that it describes the different grammar and writing principals. It includes a mini lessons overviewing the principles that will be covered on the test. For more practice take a look at TSA Test Prep’s and.Preparation Manual for the Federal Air Marshal Assessment BatteryThis is a great free manual is to help you prepare to take the. The outlines the different portions of the test and tips for the exam. It includes preparation for the Logic-Based-Reasoning Test, Situational Judgement Test and Written Skills Assessment.

What we like about this free PDF are the words of caution and test taking tips.GardaWorld Pre-Board Screening Officer TestFor those applying to be a, a leading security company, take a look at this practice test put out by JobTestPrep. The GardaWorld test differs from the TSA test in that it includes the X-Ray Object Recognition Test (ORT), English, and basic math skills. What we like about this pack is that it adds the Math practice that is much needed by many. Math is the type of subject that practice can really affect the outcome of your score.PDF Guides to Download or Print.: If you pass the TSA CBT Test you will need to complete the SF86. This is a copy of what the form looks like. You should complete it online through the e-QIP portal.: This is a comprehensive guide how to fill out the SF86 form. It is important that you fill it out honestly and carefully.: This guide gives you an understanding of the physical challenges required to become a Federal Air Marshal.: Learn more about the one of the most competitive programs in the TSA.: This guide gives you some helpful definitions so you can fully understand the different TSA job opportunity announcements (JOAs).To Learn More Take a Look at These TSA Youtube Videos.Are you looking for a way to practice for the CBT test for the TSA?

Study Guide Texas

Access a full-length. Get practice vocabulary, reading comprehension, grammar, and punctuation drills. Ensure you know what to expect on the with X-Ray drills and a detailed study guide.