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The Wild Hunt Elder Scrolls

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Finding games like The Witcher 3 is hard as nothing comes even remotely close to what this game has to offer (Except Skyrim).It’s is a huge game - so huge that I barely scratched the surface even after being over 50 hours into it. After a few hours, I realized how humongous its medieval world is. Every time I felt like I know how things will turn out, The Witcher 3 always amazed me with its variety of quests and new areas.Playing a squeaky-clean guy in this game is impossible.


Even the smallest of decisions you make would leave an impact on the game world, and most of the time, it will not turn out to be the way you want. The consequences are nerve-wracking sometimes.I inadvertently got an innocent man hanged. I didn’t like it, but that’s how this game plays out.

Be prepared for the worst even when you are doing good deeds. And sometimes when you think you are playing the devil, it might be good for everyone. It’s grim, dark, and to some extent, depressing. That’s why so many people love it.I could go on forever, but let’s save it for some other day. For now, let’s focus on games like The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.

It’s not an easy job to find games that offer a similar rich world crammed with tons of things to do, monsters to slay and people to save. Nonetheless, some of the games mentioned below come close to the experience The Witcher 3 offers –. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is the latest entry in the legendary Elder Scrolls series – A series that has been the definition of RPG games for the last couple of years. Even CD Project Red, the developers behind The Witcher 3, admitted to being inspired by Skyrim. You can tell it from the way The Witcher 3 was designed. It embraces the open-world design of Skyrim while keeping the fluff away.Coming back to Skyrim; it’s not the kind of game you’d want to rush through.

Bethesda worked on it for nearly 5 years, giving it everything they had. There is a lot of sites to explore, dungeons to clear and powers to unlock.

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Doing all of this could easily take hundreds of hours, and you’d hardly realize it.If you are playing it on PC, don’t forget to install some to make this game look and play better than the vanilla game. Just tweak things a little, and you are in for a spectacular ride.Since the launch of The Witcher 3, people have been unfairly comparing both the games, which is absurd. They don’t even realize that Skyrim is a last-gen game. While it’s not perfect, it’s certainly a masterpiece that deserves your attention. Skyrim’s world is full of curiosities and content, making every step and exciting one.

There is always something waiting for you just over the next ridge. The rest of the games from The Witcher series are just as breathtaking as the third entry in the franchise.

If you have a PC, you must play Witcher 1 and on it, if you haven’t already. Both these games provide a better look at our protagonist, Geralt of Rivia. Although it’s not necessary to play the first 2 games if you are looking to skip to the third one, I wholeheartedly recommend going through them to better understand the protagonist and everyone around him.Both these games are carefully woven experiences. While they are not open world games like The Witcher 3, an amazing story and options of choosing your own path are still present. Just like The Witcher 3, your choices matter here. Whatever you do, will have long-term consequences.

Eight-five hours. That’s how much time this game took to get the credits rolling. I am not even counting the numerous side-quests I ignored. It could have easily taken me 50 or more hours to finish this game had I done all the quests. There have been bigger RPGs than Dragon Age: Inquisition in terms of the size of the world, but rarely has any game filled its massive world with so many meaningful things to do. It’s hard to not stumble upon a quest every few minutes.It’s not exactly a sandbox game like The Witcher 3. Inquisition is more of a semi-open world game with its map divided into different areas.

Some of it may feel restrictive initially, but they soon open into huge sandboxes with tons of things to do. Surprisingly, none of it feels like filler as all the pieces of this game have been pretty well contextualized. That’s because of some clever writing and well-delivered dialogues, which makes every quest feel more than a kill-fetch quest they actually are. Even in my eighty-fifth hour, there are still a lot of places I haven’t even set my foot in. I am still discovering new things.If you are looking for some games similar to The Witcher 3, you mustn’t miss out on Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Gothic 2 is the oldest game in this list. This action-RPG builds on the foundations set by its predecessor. Set in the world of Khorinis, Gothic 2 marks the return of some of the old characters and places from the first game while adding tons of new places to explore.Don’t be fooled by its dating graphics. It’s one of the deepest games you’ll ever play. While the world is nowhere as big as The Witcher 3, the amount of choices and decisions in Gothic 2 comes close to what The Witcher series offers. It’s one of those rare games where your actions will always have consequences.

No good or bad deed goes unnoticed. Even after all these years, Gothic 2 still remains one of the best action RPG games to this date. Released in 2006, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is still regarded as one of the best RPG games of all time. This is a remarkable achievement – a complex, open-ended, detailed RPG that’s a pleasure to behold. Oblivion delivers on everything that made Elder Scrolls series so famous, while improving upon the weaknesses of its predecessor.

The Wild Hunt Elder Scrolls Series

While Morrowind was an amazing action RPG, it was plagued by a steep learning curve. Only those who were hardcore fans of Elder Scrolls series could get into it. Gladly, that’s not the case with Oblivion.

Even if you have no interest in RPG genre, it’s hard to overlook this beautifully crafted world.The main quest takes about 50 hours to finish, but there are other activities and side quests to do, which should take you over 100 hours to complete. You can join different guilds and factions, root out the bandits hidden in dungeons, talk to different people and try to solve their issues, break into someone’s house and rob them when they are sleeping, and so much more. It’s overwhelming! All the Fallout games take place in a post-unclear world. China and US nuked each other out in 2077. What’s left is a huge radioactive wasteland with ghouls, super-mutants, ghosts and some lucky human survivors who somehow made it through the war. In most of the games, you step in the shoes of vault dweller, who has been underground for so many years.

The Wild Hunt Elder Scrolls 2

You have never seen the world before.It pretty simple from there. You come out of the vault and explore this huge wasteland to see what’s left of the world.The first 3 Fallout games launched back in 1990s as 2D games. Then Bethesda purchased the license to this franchise and made 3D Fallout games.

So far, they have developed Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and the newest addition to the franchise, Fallout 76, which is its most contentious entry to this date. A spin-off entry, Fallout: New Vegas, was launched in 2010, which is still regarded by the community as the best entry in the franchise.If you are looking for games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, stick to Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4. While The Witcher 3 takes place in Medieval times, Fallout games take place in post-nuclear war era. It appears that there is no similarity between these two franchises, but they share more features in common than you think.For starters, both these games emphasize on giving players the control to be whomever they want to be. You have ample choices that will shape the world.

It’s you who’ll decide the fate of people around you. The sheer amount of content in these games is dizzying. Once you get sucked in the universe, you’ll be playing Fallout series for hundreds of hours. Just have a look at the embedded trailer and tell me if it doesn’t look amazing.

Set in medieval times, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a hardcore action-RPG that won't appeal to everyone. Developed by Warhouse Studios and published by Deep Silver, Kingdome Come: Deliverance takes place during a war in Bohemia, the heart of Europe, in 1403. You play as Henry, a son of a blacksmith who is on a quest to fight the invasion and restore Bohemia's rightful king.After playing for nearly 60 hours, I can tell you that Warhouse Studios has delivered on their promises. This game is filled with so much to see and do that it's almost impossible to experience everything in the first run. Unless you make the same choices in every playthrough (I see no logic in that), you'll encounter different versions of an intricately woven storyline.If you're coming on the wheels of games like The Witcher 3 or Skyrim, the combat will take some getting used to.

Thankfully, there is a lengthy tutorial section to help you learn the ropes. Rockstar’s epic Wild-West third-person action-adventure series is back with a bang. As a huge fan or 2009’s Red Dead Redemption, I couldn’t have asked for more. The sequel is bigger and better in almost every regard. From graphics, gunplay to the storyline, everything is immensely improved.Developer Rockstar seems to have taken a leaf out of CD Project Red’s book here.

For the first time in the series, your actions will have consequences. Whatever The Witcher 3 does, Red Dead Redemption 2 does it better.Apart from a riveting storyline that should keep you hooked for over 50 hours or so, you can partake in side-activities like hunting, playing poker, and fishing. If you want to see and do everything this game has to offer, prepare to sink in at least 100 hours into it.RDR2 has set a benchmark for other RPG games to come, dethroning The Witcher 3 and becoming the king of The RPG kingdom.

The Wild Hunt Elder Scrolls Free

It will take some doing to better this epic action RPG.While you’re at it, check out the list of some to Red Dead Redemption 2. Good news for the estranged fans of this series. For the first time in the long history of Assassin's Creed franchise, Ubisoft has made a full-fledged RPG, shedding its old skin in favor of something more enchanting.Ubisoft has finally ditched the dreaded “Templar vs Assassins” storyline that plagued the Assassin's Creed series in almost every game. Developing a choice-based RPG has allowed the developer to show flex their creative muscles. The amount of work being put in shows in its detailed world.From riding your camel in deserts to exploring every nook and cranny of pyramids, you'll be playing this game for quite some time. There is no doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 will implement some of the features of The Witcher 3 as both games have been developed by the same studio. While the details are scarce, we know that this cyberpunk title will be open-world and have branching stories.

The sad thing, however, is that CD Project Red has been tight-lipped about it. However, they have released almost an hour of gameplay footage from the alpha version of Cyberpunk 2077, which should get you hyped for it. While there is still no word on when it will be out, we know that it's going to be a genre-defining game whenever it comes out.Check out the whole gameplay footage embedded below!

I am sorry but Fallout 4 and Skyrim/Oblivion are not even close in terms of story writing and impact your decisions have. They are all Open World and that's about it.Bathesda games in general were never with good story-line. And before you argue Fallout 1/2 weren't actually made by Bathesda.Was hoping this list will provide some ideas as to what I could play after the Witcher that has amazing story, but the moment I saw Skyrim(enjoyed the game btw, but it's just miles away from the story-telling in Witcher 3) there - I knew it wouldn't happen. Witcher 3 has good combat as well as the RPG story mode and ability to roam freely.

That's what makes it different. I'm not a huge RPG game fan, so I started out killing monsters and humans with a sword for fun. When I got into it more, that's when I started learning how to make potions, bombs and cast spells. But I can still run around slicing and dicing everyone if I choose. I'm not sure about all the games mentioned, but I do know the ones I played don't combine those elements like Witcher 3. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Fallout was kinda lame.

But Witcher 3 is seriously the only RPG game I've liked since Zelda: A Link to the Past on SNES. Yea I'm a little older. But it's my favorite game besides the Call of Duty first person shooters.which are completely different. It got me interested in that genre again.

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