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Simcity 4 City Design


There are two ways I commonly break my cities:Spending Money On Things Before Sims Want ThemSims want things. Schools, hospitals, parks. But they want some things more than others, and if you build them in the wrong order you are WASTING YOUR MONEY, because they don't have their full effect.

On the quick reference guide, as well as buried deep in the under the desirability chart, is possibly the most important information to the game that no one knows:What (Sim City) Sims WantAlthough you can’t directly affect the types of occupants that developin your city, you do have indirect control by affecting the desirabilityof the zoned areas of your city. The following actions can be taken toimprove the desirability for each of these occupant types:This chart is ORDERED. Residential Sims want police more than hospitals. Dirty/Manufacturing industry wants police, then shorter fright trips, then NOTHING else, they're happy. After you've taken care of the basics that every zone wants, power and water for higher density/$$$, take care of problems in this order and you'll spend less money, attract more Sims, and make more money. I'll repeat once more:I think this is the most important info people are missing to building a great city.Not Replacing Dying UtilitesThe utilities buildings, water pumps, power plants, and incinerators age over time, more for the more they are used. They gradually cost more to maintain and have lower output.

Eventually, you are paying out the nose for nothing. Replace them as soon as you can.Special note, if you are using Waste To Energy incinerators, turn them down to producing no power and have them only dispose of waste. This prevents the plant from aging in any noticeable amount, and you can then buy your power from a cheaper plant. The downside is that your power budget will not be at 100%, so 1) new plants will start at whatever the budget is set to overall, and 2) there is a chance of fire on all power lines. So just don't use any. Use low density commercial zone instead. Same power spread, no cost, possible income.

Unfortunately, the game is pretty brutal out of the box. The distance a sim is willing to travel for work is rather pathetic, which means you have to build your commercial and industrial zones very near your residential areas.Try using the to round out the types of roads you can build and increase the distance sims are willing to commute to work.Also, is the single largest online community for SimCity and they have thousands of helpful users on their forums with invaluable information to help you succeed at city building (not to mention the, which has tens of thousands of user created buildings, models and mods you can download to enhance the game). I've not played in ages, but I seem to remember that the trick was to not become too attached to any particular segment. That is, if you spent a lot of effort building-up a big commercial area, let's say, then it starts to falter, be willing to bulldoze it down and make something different, if that's 'what the game wants.'

I also seem to recall that making lots & lots of 'mini-cities' - neighborhoods that were nearly self contained, with a nice balance of parks & rec, industry, commercial ('strip malls':) and residential seemed to work well. It helped cut down on commute-time, which I think my little sims liked:)But, again, you have to be pretty heavy-handed with the bulldozer (not all at once!), and willing to make constant adjustments as this or that area gets too much THIS and not enough THAT. In general, I'd say that 10% of any given city was ALWAYS 'under construction', and that 10% moved around a LOT.Also: I think it helps to always repair damage (disaster or rot) as quickly as possible, and spend the money on police & fire services.Hmmm, now you got me itchin' for some 'City - gonna have to dig that out!:). Argh, reading this question and the answers is making me want to play again.That said, though it's been a couple years since I've picked it up, have you ever tried making a smaller city adjacent to your current one which functions as your area for dumping garbage, factories, etc.

The last time I played, I tried that strategy and it kept my city very clean and I had a pretty happy population. Run power lines from the smaller city to your large one and have some roads for dump trucks to head out.

I found that it made a pretty huge difference in my pollution rate. Try to be simple. In order to build a large city first plan the layout; in large cities there is always a problem of traffic. After some years of establishment build a complete education system, and try to balance your budget.

Budget the school and museums to keep the check on expenditure. Now build effective hospitals and police protection. If this is a residential area there is hardly any need to build a fire station, but if required build only one at the centre.These steps would help you to build a large city with high skyscrapers for both residential and commercial zones. If you can build landmarks it increase the desirability of commercial area. Do build parks at regular intervals, this would keep the desirability for the high zones to certain extent. There are several strategies for getting your initial city started.

I like to start with a medium-sized tile first that has a small tile adjacent to it. Locate all the dirty stuff (coal power plant, landfill) at the far side of the tile from where the neighboring small tile is. Start your city on the other side from that and adjacent to the small tile. Locate your water facilities near your nascent town as well, away from the dirty stuff. Dirty industries can be located by the dirty stuff, but provide good transportation to get there OR locate industry a moderate distance (center of map?) from your town so that the Sims don't have to travel too far for work but res/comm growth is not adversely affected by the pollution.However you start your town off, grow it to a certain size where it is well self-sustaining.

Just before you save and exit to the region, expand your water supplies. A good time to do this is when you are about to outgrow your water towers or they have aged and need replacing. Roughly double your water capacity then save and exit to region. Go to the small tile and make that where you concentrate your dirty industries, power generation and waste disposal. Zone this tile entirely or almost entirely industrial.

Throw in some coal-fired power plants, enough to generate power for your first city plus all the energy-intensive industry plus some excess (a good target is to be using 70 to 75% of your power capacity). Make sure the transport network is strong, possibly including a connecting freeway and definitely trains (with a freight station at the shared border). Lay pipes and buy water from your first city. Get this town on its feet then save and exit to region.Go back to your first town. Reduce or eliminate the dirty industry in this city so that your Sims are going over the border to work at the factories. Sell water to your industrial city. This is a crucial point.

Leverage your cities' strengths so each can profit from revenue streams that become more critical as the income from easy growth tapers off. That is, have your clean city sell water to your dirty industrial city and ship its garbage there as well. Have your dirty industrial city sell cheap electricity (from burning coal and garbage) to your clean town. Your nascent high-tech city can profit greatly from selling water, as the polluting industries need a LOT of H2O. This money can be used to get your expensive educational system on its feet without causing a death spiral for your budget. Go back and forth a few times between these cities and they will continue to grow. Convert the first city to a high-tech industry city.

Your third and perhaps fourth cities should border on the dirty city as well. From the start these cities can be targeted for high tech, or they can be developed to take advantage of spillover development from your successful first city with a growing high tech industry.

By now your first city should be large and definitely high tech; start cities bordering on it, they will need their own dirty towns as well.As you begin to develop a megalopolis there are other issues that will crop up, such as intercity transport links and the failure of your dirty towns as development wants to spill over into them and demand for dirty industries decreases. But that's another post.You'll notice that the profitability of development is indicated by color.

Colorful buildings are producing a good amount of tax revenue. Grayer buildings are not producing optimal tax revenue. Black buildings are doing nothing. In particular, if you find you have a water crisis and as a result several buildings are black because they are not provided with water, they can remain that way long after you have reprovided the water. This could mean that you simply have the wrong kind of zoning for the stage your city is at; demolish and rezone, or simply demolish and see what happens.

Sometimes all it takes to get some kind of tax revenue is to take out the old building. If it's industrial, it could be that your industrial area is ready for high-tech but it isn't going to develop unless you get rid of that unsightly abandoned factory. Demolish those black industrial buildings and watch the development flourish.One tactic I like to use in medium and large tile cities is to develop a certain area for whatever density (usually low or med). I try to put all of this development within the radius of a hospital, police and fire.

On the edges of this development, put all that vacant land to work with industrial development! Then as you grow the area, redevelop the industrial to res/comm and push the industrial out to the new edges of the development.Finally, if you find yourself in a bad budget situation.

Crank up taxes on one, two, or all three of the main categories and run up a big surplus to fund whatever it is you need to do. The damage to development seems to be only temporary. Here are a few tricks from playing SimCity 2000 and 3000. Build a balanced city: you can happily mix the different kind ofzoning. Build a balanced city: no crime, recreation, schools, jobs, transport, power, etc. Zone wisely: not to big, not to small.

Power, water, transport if a zone has neither it'll never grow. You can test this by zoning and area and check which squares are actuallygrowing. Clean up dead zones. Cheat.

It is a shame that the porntip guzzardo ardo of sim city 2000 that showered you in cash now only gives a message saying thatmoney does not grow on broccolis but they are still a number of cheatcodes around to help you build a great city without bothering toomuch about the money. Have fun. I usually build networks of three cities, as follows:. One for medium-high wealth residential, high wealth commercial services, all commercial offices and some hi tech industry. One for hi-tech industry and some low-medium wealth commercial services.

One for low wealth residential, dirty and manufacturing industry and some low-medium wealth commercial servicesThis tactic allows me to specifically tailor my civics to the exact needs of the city, and to utilise some cities' strengths to benefit the other cities. Before I go any further I should probably point out that I do have rush hour installed.I like to develop my cities using squares of blocks, if that makes sense.

Simcity 4 Layouts

I usually make 6x6 blocks, surrounded by road, and make a 5x5 square of these, to make 25 blocks total. I put several of these squares in my cities and I use some form of higher capacity transport in between. I usually use avenues for this, and zone medium density commercial next to these avenues as they will be traffic thoroughfares. For mass transit I generally use a subway station in the middle of these blocks, with a bus stop or two next to it and another 4-8 bus stops spread out around the block.

To encourage more traffic flow on your avenues as opposed to local streets, you could place streets, as these are.

.SimCity first gave a mass audience a taste of its oddball brand of urban planning back in 1989. Now Maxis, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, is for the first time in a decade, with the planned release of an updated version of SimCity in 2013.

Simcity 4 guide

But despite sticking with the same name, regions and the interconnectedness within what academics would call mega-cities will feature prominently in the new version.' Cities will affect the environment, Sims will commute from city to city, cities will economically specialize and provide resources and services to each other,' says Ocean Quigley, Maxis's creative director for the new SimCity.

'If you’re playing solo, then it’s all taking place between the cities that you control. If you’re playing with friends, then some of those cities will be controlled by your friends.' Quigley describes the direction the game's simulations are heading as more 'bottom up and object based,' which will allow the new SimCity to recreate the challenges of living in an era where regions rule. But the new game won't just have your Sims choking to death thanks to a neighboring city's coal plant.

It'll also allow you to be able to watch pedestrians walk down the street and check analytics of individual buildings, for example. And as you make changes to your city you'll see “a whole new wrath of simulation behavior that wasn’t there before,' as Quigley puts it. For example, you might build a small city with a few houses and businesses. Along the way, you come to find out that there’s a large bed of coal underneath the city. As the mayor, you have to decide whether it’s worth the increased revenue to start mining versus potentially polluting your community, not to mention the cities your friends build if you’re playing in multiplayer mode.' The space you got to explore with SimCity 4 was bounded,' says Quigley. 'With the new SimCity it essentially is unbounded. In SimCity 4 there were only so many things you could do.

In the latest SimCity, the simulation landscape is continually growing, but I won’t say it’s infinite.' Quigley compares the new game to a Lego set. As you add new pieces, new simulation possibilities arise.“Other SimCities have been built on graph paper.

This works for classic, traditional cities, but doesn’t work for more organic cities,” says Quigley. “We want to take SimCity off the graph paper and build cities with curved roads, more European cities and not just gridded cities. We want the city to feel like a place, not a map.”When the new game is released in 2013 it will have been about 10 years since SimCity 4 was released. Quigley says the motivation behind developing a new game now is obvious.“As a subject, cities are where it’s all happening,” said Quigley. “Cities are the most interesting and sophisticated things we’re building right now. From a big picture perspective cities are an interesting subject.

From a more practical perspective, when we did SimCity 4 there were things we wanted to do but computers weren’t sophisticated enough. Now computers have the ability to do what we wanted them to do.' About the Author.